Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Frank Capra, Meet John Doe Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Frank Capra, Meet John Doe - Movie Review Example Keeping in mind public reaction, power players got involved in realization of John Doe project, picking out a man ready to play the role for money and disappear at the right moment. However, the â€Å"actor† eventually realizes the scale of social manipulations and sets himself against his puppeteers. The movie vibrantly reflects the topic of social manipulation and power play, vesting it in the settings of contemporary New York and then the entire America. Here, I would like to mention Harry Cooper’s brilliant acting – to my thinking, Capra chose a perfect man to embody the image of John Doe, the symbol of protests against rotten social order. The topic that was most vividly illustrated in the Meet John Doe movie is definitely the role of mass media in public conscience and its ambiguous nature. No invention can be exclusively positive or negative by its nature – it only has potential. Mass media is an example of such invention depicted in the movie. On one hand, newspapers and radio plat and grow the idea in minds of thousands of people – good idea celebrating unity and mutual respect among â€Å"average† citizens. On the other hand, it is mass media that distort this idea, convert it to the use of political campaigns and make the adherents abandon John Doe’s ideas. Here, on the example of Ann Mitchel and others, a narrower topic of journalist ethics is raised. At the same time, the ideas professed by John Doe are rather close to biblical ones, reminding average people of general human morality – Mitchell encourages them via Willoughby’s voice on the radio to help and unite with their neighbors, implying that such average people are the nation, not the politicians. The movie is an absolute masterpiece despite the fact that it wasn’t fully appreciated after release in 1941. Classical work of the world’s cinema,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Developmental Stages Essay Example for Free

Developmental Stages Essay Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development describes the impact of social experience across the whole lifespan. He believed that personality develops in a series of stages. In his theory he explains eight stages through which a healthy developing human should pass from infancy to late adulthood. According to Erikson (1950), â€Å"Each stage builds on the successful completion of earlier stages. The challenges of stages not successfully completed may be expected to reappear as problems in the future†. In Erikson’s first stage, infancy (birth to 18 months), he centers on the concept of trust vs. mistrust where the infants basic needs are being met. During this stage, the child’s relative understanding of the world and society comes from parents/primary caregiver. Infants are especially dependant for food, sustenance, and comfort. According to Erikson (1950), the major developmental task in infancy is to learn whether or not other people, especially primary caregivers, regularly satisfy basic needs. If caregivers are consistent sources of food, comfort, and affection, an infant learns to trust that others are trustworthy. If they are neglectful, or perhaps even abusive, the infant instead learns mistrust in that the world is in an undependable, unpredictable, and possibly dangerous place. As an infant, I was fortunate to experience the love and nurturing that was needed to gain trust from my caregivers. My mother would rock me to sleep while singing or reading to me. As a result, I developed a passion for music and reading. My parents made me feel like everything was going to be alright. I still believe no matter what happens that eventually everything is going to be alright. In Erikson’s second developmental stage, Early Childhood (18 Months to 3 years), he asserts that a child begins to explore his surroundings after they gain control of eliminative functions and motor abilities (Harder, 2002). A child has the opportunity to build self-esteem and autonomy as he gain more control over our bodies and acquire new skills (learning right from wrong). In this stage the parents or primary caregivers help the child by being patient and encouraging, which fosters autonomy in the child. Parents or caregivers who are highly restrictive are more likely to instill in the child with a sense of doubt and reluctance to attempt new challenges. My parents allowed me to explore but not to the point where my safety was in jeopardy. They popped my hand if I reached for the socket, floor heater, ashtray, or anything else that was in harm’s way. It was during this stage of my life that I received praise for things that I accomplished; for instance, using the potty and putting my toys away. I learned how to master certain skills for myself. Erikson believes that the third stage, Play Age (3 to 5 years), is essential to a healthy child. It is during this time that children really learn what they live. They want to imitate adults and others around them. This is the stage where most healthy children begin to broaden their skills through active play of all sorts, including fantasy. They also learn to cooperate with others and to lead as well as follow. Young children in this category face the challenge of initiative versus guilt. Nevertheless, Erikson (1968) said that at this stage children usually become involved in the classic â€Å"Oedipal struggle† and resolve these struggles through â€Å"social role identification†. As a result, the child can be immobilized by guilt. According to Erikson (1950) the child is fearful, hangs on the fringe of groups, continues to depend unduly on adults, and is restricted both in the development of play skills and in imagination. As a child, I remember walking in my mother’s shoes when she was not wearing them. We played dress up and pretended we were queens. My basic family was the most significant relationship. In Erik Erikson’s fourth stage, School Age (6 to 12 years), children are capable of creating, learning and accomplishing new task (Harder, 2002). They are becoming more aware of themselves as individuals and, as a result, they become more reasonable to share and cooperate. They work hard at being responsible, being good and doing it right (Allen Marotz, 2003). Allen Marotz (2003) also list some perceptual cognitive developmental traits specific for this age group. Children understand the concepts of space and time in more logical, practical ways and begin to gain a better understanding of cause and effect and calendar time. At this stage, children are eager to learn and accomplish more complex skills such as reading, writing, and telling time. They also get to form moral values, recognize cultural and individual differences and are able to manage most of their personal needs and grooming with minimal assistance (Allen Marotz, 2003). At this stage, children might express their independence by being disobedient, using back talk, and being rebellious. For myself, I became disobedient but it didn’t take much for them to get me back on track. My parents only had to spank me several times in my life and never for the same thing. If children are encouraged to make and do things and are then praised for their accomplishments, they begin to demonstrate industry by being diligent, preserving at tasks until completed and putting work before pleasure. On the other hand, if children are punished or ridiculed for their efforts or if they feel they are not meeting others (teachers/parents) expectations, they develop feelings of inferiority about their capabilities. In Erikson’s fifth stage, Adolescence (12 to 18 years), he believes up to this stage development mostly depends upon what is done to us. From here on out what we do determines our development (Harder, 2002). The concept of identity vs. role confusion is used in that it is where a child is neither a child nor an adult. The adolescent is concerned with how they appear to others. This is when what was learned early on play an important part of how an adolescent see themselves. For example, if a child learned mistrust in infancy, shame in early childhood, guilt at play age, and inferiority at school age, what are the chances of this child having a positive image of themselves as an adolescent? Our task is to discover who we are as individuals separate from family. As they make the transition from childhood to adulthood, adolescents ponder the roles they will play in the adult world. Initially, they are apt to experience some role confusion- mixed ideas and feelings about the speci fic ways in which they will fit into society- and may experiment with a variety of behaviors and activities. At this stage in my life my Grandma taught me some very valuable things. My grandma farmed a beautiful garden which she kept me involved with. From tiling the land, planting the seeds, and watering the garden I learned a great deal. Not only did I learn about vegetation, I learned about life. My grandma taught me the valuable lesson of reaping what you have sown and how one bad fruit can spoil the whole bunch. I also learned that you have to believe in yourself, as well as believe in a Higher Power. My grandma taught me how to live off the land, but most importantly, she showed me by being a good example for me to follow. Erikson (1968) is credited with coining the term identity crisis because each stage that came before and that follows has its own crisis, but even more so now, for this marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. It is necessary for this passage to take place because throughout infancy and childhood a person forms much identification. As a marked turning point in human development, it seems to be the reconciliation between the person one has come to be and the person society expects him to become. An emerging sense of self will be established by forging past experiences with anticipations of the future. In relation to the eight life stages as a whole, the fifth stage corresponds to the crossroads, a time of great change of the body as well as the mind. Youth is a bridge between childhood and adulthood. Currently, I find myself in Erik Erikson’s sixth stage of development, Young Adulthood (18 to 35 years). Erikson (1950) expressed that young adults are in a stage of intimacy versus isolation. The Intimacy vs. Isolation conflict is emphasized around the ages of 20 to 34. At the start of this stage, identity vs. role confusion is coming to an end, and it still lingers at the foundation of the next stage (Erikson, 1950). In this stage individuals develop intimate and close relationships with others (Crandell, C randell, Vander Zanden, 2009). I find myself struggling with this particular concept extensively. With the type of personality that I have, I constantly look for everyone to like me; therefore I never really established a close and intimate relationship with a significant person that means anything. Zucker, Ostrove, Stewart, (2002) reported that identity certainty may continue to increase over the course of adulthood. I am finding that having tried to make people like me that I lost a part of myself. I lost who I was. In finally having the chance to really experience life with someone who loves me for me, I can focus on doing things for myself as well as doing things for my significant other as well, thus making us both happy in our relationship. Erikson (1950) also argues that Intimacy has a counterpart he calls distantiation which is the readiness to isolate and, if necessary, to destroy those forces and people whose essence seems dangerous to our own, and whose territory seems to encroach on the extent of ones intimate relations. Once people have established their identities, they are ready to make long-term commitments to others. If people cannot form these intimate relationships (perhaps because of their own needs) a sense of isolation may result. In comparing Kohlberg’s and Erikson’s developmental theories, I discovered that I can relate my life to both theories. There have been both internal (Erikson) and external (Kohlberg) forces that have affected my life. Internally, it was the nurturing and love I received from my Grandmother as a child. She also taught me life lessons. Externally, I watched my grandmother care for her grandmother. It gave me a love and passion for caring for the elderly, not realizing that it was also teaching me how to care for her when she could no longer care for herself. In the mention of Erikson’s â€Å"identity crisis†, I realize that most of my life stages were identified by such crises. At the age of 5, I experienced abandonment and rejection from my father. This shaped my childhood and adolescent years around seeking to hurt before being hurt and also looking for love and attention in others. I learned that a child who grows up not receiving a lot of love and affection may later in life look for love in all the wrong places, thus leading to promiscuous behavior, gang involvement, and /or drug use to fill the void. Subsequently, as an adult I found it hard to acquire and maintain intimate relationships. Kohlberg’s moral development theory focuses more on reasoning. Though growing up I never tried to figure out why I was the way I was or why I did the things I did for attention or to get my way, I have begun to look at the reasons behind those actions and have started to correct the negative characteristics of my being. Other factors come into play when speaking of the developmental stages of one’s life. These factors include gender differences, environmental, cultural, and ethnical influences. My father, not having nurturing abilities, failed to realize or comprehend the devastation and effects of his leaving the home had on me. Environmentally, most of us lived off of the land and were friendly to each other. However, most of the environment was that of country living and also racial separation. Culturally, our elderly were not placed in nursing homes but remained in the home to be cared for by family. My grandmother cared for her grandmother who cared for her daughter, one not absent from the other. My grandma instilled in me many morals and values that influenced my behavior today. In conclusion, Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development theorize that there are certain accomplishments that one must encounter to successfully move to the next stage in life. His findings have shown that, in life, sometimes it requires an â€Å"identity crisis† to force an individual into another stage so that person may keep moving forward. There are many different aspects of his psychosocial stages that can shape a person into a healthy human being. Personally, I feel that as growing through each stage of my life according to Erikson, I am on my way to being the perfect role model for his theory. References Allen, K. E., Marotz, L. R. (2003). Developmental profiles (4th ed.). Albany, NY: Delmar. Crain, W. C. (1985). Theories of development. New Jersey:Prentice Hall. pp.118-136 Crandell, T. L., Crandell, C. H., Vander Zanden, J. W. (2009). Human development (9th ed.).Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education Erikson, E. H. (1950). Childhood and society. New York: Norton; Triad/Paladin (1977), p. 242. Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity, youth and crisis. New York: Norton, p. 54 Harder, A. F. (2002). The developmental stages of Erik Erikson. Retrieved from Stevens, R. (1983). Erik Erikson, an introduction. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press. Retrieved from Zucker, A. N., Ostrove, J. M., Stewart, A. J. (2002) College-educated womens personality development in adulthood: Perceptions and age difference. Psychology and Aging. 17(2), 236-244.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Psychological Egoism Essay -- Psychology Psychological Essays

Psychological Egoism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The descriptive claim made by Psychological Egoists is that humans, by nature, are motivated only by self-interest. Any act, no matter how altruistic it may seem on the outside is actually only a disguise for a selfish desire such as recognition, avoiding guilt, reward or sense of personal ‘goodness’ or morality. For example, Mother Teresa is just using the poor for her own long-term spiritual gain. Being a universal claim, it could falter with a single counterexample. And being that I believe this claim to be bunk I will tell you why!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If I help a friend out of trouble, there is a chance that I would feel happy afterwards. But was that happiness the motive for my actions or just the result? I didn’t save my friend in order to feel good; rather, I feel...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hamlet and Structural Functionalism Essay

In the famous play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, family takes an enormous part in the failure in the main character, Hamlet. What is interesting about his family dynamic and the way his family affects Hamlet’s actions, is that it directly correlates to Emile Durkheim’s theory on structural functionalism. It is a theory that studies our social structure and culture, and how they work together and affect us. Durkheim suggests that our social system is made up of a bunch of different parts and when one of these components gets taken away, we suffer and go into normlessness- which Durkheim refers to as anomie. Anomie is an indication of a loss of our sense of values and rules of conduct, creating problems. In relation to the play Hamlet, we can establish a connection between structural functionalism and Hamlet’s family through the losses he encounters throughout the book. While dealing with the death and re-appearance of his father, his uncle’s deceit and his mother’s betrayal, he finds himself falling into anomie while overthinking, and becoming mad in result of his loneliness. In the beginning of the play Hamlet, we are promptly made aware of Hamlet’s family situation and what has recently happened with his father, Old Hamlet. When a child is born, the parent of the same sex as the child will usually be the one they feel the biggest connection with. There’s a feeling of common understanding, and when one gets that individual taken away it truly is devastating. That is how it was for Hamlet. We get to see the gravity of his father’s death destroying his optimism, when he’s talking to Claudius and tells him that people can act sad, but he has real grief beneath the clothes that he wears. â€Å"Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief, That can denote me truly. These indeed â€Å"seem,† For they are actions that a man might play. But I have that within which passeth show, These but the trappings and the suits of woe.† (1, 2, 83). Two scenes later, we are showed how the death of his father affects his mental state. When Horatio and Hamlet lay eyes on the ghost in scene 4, Horatio begs Hamlet not to follow him. â€Å"What if it tempt you toward the flood, my lord, Or to the dreadful summit of the cliff That beetles o’er his base into the sea, †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (1, 4, 72). Hamlet answers him with a shocking comeback and follows the mysterious figure into the mist. â€Å"Why, what should be the fear? I do not set my life in a pin’s fee, And for my soul—what can it do to that, Being a thing immortal as itself? It waves me forth again. I’ll follow it.† (1, 4, 67) This quote reveals Hamlet’s opinion on his self-worth. He explains to Horatio that he does not value his life. If Hamlet’s father had not died, and he had not been so fragile and in such grief, there would have been a significant difference in the way that he handled the situation. His father’s death, r ight from the beginning of the play, started affecting his sense of values and rules of conduct- leaving him in a state of normlessness. This is what spun the chaos of Hamlet into action, starting Hamlet out on his path to self-destruction, eventually to the point where his death is the result of his own medalling. In the words of a man who lived long ago, â€Å"what we fear, we create.† After the death of his father Hamlet continues to mourn the loss, as one would usually do if their parent were to decease. Oddly enough, his own mother and lest we forget; the recent wife of his father, says to him: â€Å"Do not for ever with thy vailed lids Seek for thy noble father in the dust: Thou know’st ’tis common; all that lives must die,   Passing through nature to eternity.† (1.2.2) This is shocking because normally, if one’s spouse has passed away they would experience some sort of great grief, however Gertrude takes little discomfort in the matter and in the quote above, tells him not to fret, for everybody must die at some point. To this, Hamlet says to himself, â€Å"O, God! a beast, that wants discourse of reason, Would have mourn’d longer–married with my uncle,My father’s brother, but no more like my father Than I to Hercules: [†¦]† (1.2.151). Clearly her insensitiveness and incentive to quickly re-marry angers Hamlet. How could she not mourn the death of her own husband, and re-marry his brother almost right after? Hamlet demonstrates great disgust for his mother and accuses her of incest. â€Å"She [Gertrude] married. O, most wicked speed, to post. With such dexterity to incestuous sheets! It is not nor it cannot come to good: But break, my heart; for I must hold my tongue.† (1.2.158). With the loss of his own mother, Hamlet (as would any child) starts to act out and feel a loss of control. We see this in his quote in act 1 scene 2: â€Å"O, that this too too solid flesh would melt Thaw and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter! O God! God! How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, Seem to me all the uses of this world! (128) Here, Hamlet talks about how he wishes God had not declared suicide a sin, and how pointless life is to him now. This is huge because we get to see how the loss of his mother is affecting his sanity. He needs his mother to support and protect him, yet she is nowhere to be found. Rather, she is with the man that he needs to be protected from. This affects his sense of values and rules of conduct- leaving him in a state of normlessness. This is just another push from Gertrude to Hamlet towards his death (failure) in the end of the play. Meanwhile, Hamlet’s uncle and new step father Claudius is being a â€Å"villain, villain, smiling, damned villain!† (107) as Hamlet describes him in act 1 scene 5, because he feels that Claudius has been deceitful and betrayed his own brother. Which he in fact has. In act 3 scene 3, Claudius says he feels guilty for murdering Old Hamlet, yet he states, â€Å"That cannot be [Claudius cannot ask God to accept his apology), since I am still possessed Of those effects for which I did the murder: My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen.† (56) Revealing that he knows that he cannot as for forgiveness when he is still in possession of his brother’s belongings and is not ready to let them go. This whole affair leaves Hamlet very clearly bitter and upset with him. In act 3 scene 4, Hamlet’s mother says to him, â€Å"Hamlet, thou hast thy father much offended.† (9) And he replies with a snarky remark claiming that Claudius is not his father at all, and that the one doing the real offending is her (Gertrude) to his father (Old Hamlet). â€Å"Mother, you have my father much offended.† (3.4.10) This quote proves to us how betrayed he feels by his uncle. Three scenes before these quotes, Hamlet presents his â€Å"to be, or not to be† soliloquy about suicide. â€Å"To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles.† (3.1.57) He, again, is debating whether or not he should kill himself. This validates the theory that he is losing his mind due to his uncle’s actions, and essentially the robbing of his uncle entirely as a person that he once put his trust into. It affects Hamlet’s sense of values and rules of conduct- leaving him in a state of normlessness, pushing him even more off of the edge towards failure. Hamlet’s inability to remain mentally stable throughout the play is in the fault of the unfortunate death of one parental figure, the betrayal of the other, and the people that he invested into emotionally whom ultimately took advantage of his trust. When a kid is faced with such instability it becomes ridiculously difficult for them to continue on as fully functioning, emotionally stable human beings. When the most important people in Hamlet’s life disappeared, he started to go into normlessness, like we would if we were to lose a vital component in our society, such as the government. He fell into anomie, losing his sense of values and rules of conduct, creating multiple problems within himself. We see this as he overthinks throughout the entire play. He cannot make conscious decisions, think, or function properly. In conclusion, Emile Durkheim’s theory on structural functionalism does in fact directly correlate to Hamlet’s family and their part in his f ailure.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Recycling Letter

Mr. Smith: Thank you for presenting this recycling opportunity of business to the Owl Recycling Factory. The recycling and reusing of materials such as the ones that you have brought to our attention reduce pollution for our environment every day. There is a slight problem, however, with the state in which your materials will be given to us. Owl Recycling Company must first separate different substances from one another before sending them out to be reused.Since the four materials in your dump truck are ground into a fine powder, the Owl Recycling Company will need to carry out a procedure other than what we normally would use to separate them. As you know, the materials included aluminum soda cans, steel cans, milk jugs, and soda bottles. We fortunately have many useful tools in our factory such as a conveyor belt, a large tank filled with water, another tanks with sugar water, powerful magnets, and nets to skim our tanks. I would like to propose to you our plan to separate your rec yclable powder mixture.Due to the materials being on your property, we need your OK on our plan before we can begin our recycling work. Our plan is as follows: First of all, as the items are going down the conveyor belt, the magnets hanging above with attract all of the steel products. With those out of the way, we will be left with the aluminum, the milk jugs, and the soda bottles. The next step would be to put the remaining materials into the tank filled with sugar water. The sugar water has a density of 1. 5 g/cm^3, the soda bottles have a density of 1. g/cm^3, and the milk jugs have a density of . 95 g/cm^3. This means that these items would float and could be skimmed out by the nets. The remaining material, the aluminum cans (with a density of 2. 7 g/cm^3), would be left behind at the bottom because they are more dense than the sugar water. The skimmed out materials would then be placed into the tank filled with regular water. The density of water is 1 g. cm^3. The soda bottles would sink and the milk jugs would float and be able to be skimmed out by the nets.After these steps, all four materials would be successfully separated. The density of these products are a vital role in the separation of these materials. If a object or particle is more dense than the liquid it is placed in the item will sink, while if the object is less dense the item will float. This is how the water and the sugar water can help separate the materials remaining after the use of the magnets. We hope that you will accept our plan for separating your recyclable materials. Thank you for doing business with us to help preserve our environment. Read also: â€Å"Co Curricular Activities Letter†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Antimony essays

Antimony essays Metallic antimony is an extremely brittle metal of a flaky, crystalline texture. It is bluish white and has a metallic luster. It is not acted on by air at room temperature, but burns brilliantly when heated with the formation of white fumes. It is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Antimony and its compounds are toxic. It is found mostly with other minerals and in stibnite. In crystal form, Antimony is a yellow crystal. Antimony can affect you when breathed in and by passing through your skin. Exposure can irritate the eyes, nose, throat and skin. Very high levels could cause Antimony poisoning, with symptoms of nausea, headaches, abdominal pain, trouble breathing and death. Repeated exposure can cause an abnormal chest x-ray to develop and can also damage the heart and liver. o Prolonged or repeated contact can cause skin, nose and mouth ulcers or sores. o If used near acid, a deadly gas can be formed. Semiconductor technology for making infrared detectors, diodes, and Hall-effect devices. Alloys with percentages ranging from 1 to 20 - greatly increases the hardness and mechanical strength of lead Batteries, antifriction alloys, type metal, small arms and tracer bullets, cable sheathing, and minor products use about half the metal produced Oxides, sulphides, sodium antimonate, and antimony trichloride are used in manufacturing flame-proofing compounds, paints, ceramic enamels, glass, and pottery. Tartar emetic (hydrated potassium antimonyltartate) is used in medicine Enamels, rubber compounds, matches and to make metal alloys Metallic antimony is an extremely brittle metal of a flaky, crystalline texture. It is bluish white and has a metallic luster. It is not acted on by air at room temperature, but burns brilliantly when heated with the formation of white fumes ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Business environment The WritePass Journal

Business environment Introduction Business environment IntroductionInternal Environment:Macro EnvironmentPolitical EnvironmentThe Socio-Cultural EnvironmentThe Technological EnvironmentMicro EnvironmentCustomersEmployeesSuppliersShareholdersMediaCompetitorsExternal EnvironmentMain FactorsChanging External EnvironmentBusiness and CompetitionSocial Environment and ResponsibilityConclusionBibliography Related Introduction generally th it is to be   understood by saying business environment is that circumstanse where business runs   or do its operations generally business environment can be divided in tow sectors one of them is external environmentswhich is known as PESTEL to academics another is internal environment which is more familiar as SWOT. Business environment show two kind of environment of business. Richman Copensaysthat the most important two part of business environment is External environment and internal environment. Lanworthington and chrisbritton say two kind of environment are Macro and micro environment of business environment. Internal Environment: Business has got an internal environment that was first identified by French physiologist Claude Bernard (1813–78), Adrian palmer Bob Hartley rightly said Micro environment and Macro environment is the part of internal environment. Richman and Copen, mention that Primary Activities and Support Activities are the part of internal environment. Macro Environment It is to be understood by macro environment is the outer elements of the business such as political, economical, social and so on, for most of the cases business has no control on macro environment. Political Environment Political environment has an important impact on the business. Political environment is not stable and can change quickly. The political environment in which the firm operates (or plan to operate) will have a significant impact on a companys international marketing activities. The greater the level of involvement in a foreign markets, the greater the need to monitor the political climate of the countries business is conducted. Changes in government often result in changes in policy and attitudes towards foreign business. Adrian palmer Bob Hartley explain Political environment include PEST Political System: The basic role of a political system is to integrate the parts of a society into a viable functioning unit, bringing together people of different ethnic or other backgrounds and allow them to work together to govern themselves. Political systems are founded upon political policies, which are established by combining different points of view that are articulated by key constituencies, such as politicians, businesses, or other special-interest groups.1.Totalitarian state, 2.Democratic State Economic forecast: Business is a micro economic unit. The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable. John Kenneth Galbraith US (Canadian-born) administrator economist (1908 2006) Social forecast: The term Social Forecasting is not a recent addition to business vocabulary. The use of social forecasting stems from recognition that social pressures are becoming an increasing determinant for the success of any organization. The various indicators indicate that the society will be experiencing a total change in next few years. Some of these changes have to be anticipated and must be incorporated in any long-range plans of an organization. Economic forecasting is essentially concerned with modelling how people behave using financial criteria as a means for maximising welfare. It is dependent on certain assumption of people behaviour. Elements for social forecast is1.Identification of important phenomenon, 2.Selection of phenomena for deeper study, 3.A system of measurement, 4.A time-scale Technology: Information technology refers to the management and use of information using computer-based tools. It includes acquiring, processing, storing, and distributing information. Most commonly it is a term used to refer to business applications of computer technology, rather than scientific applications. The term is used broadly in business to refer to anything that ties into the use of computers. The Socio-Cultural Environment This is perhaps the most difficult element of the macro-environment to evaluate, manifesting itself in changing tastes, purchasing behavior and changing priorities. The type of goods and services demanded by consumers is a function of their social conditioning and their consequent attitudes and beliefs. Core cultural values are those firmly established within a society and are therefore difficult to change. They are perpetuated through family, the church, education and the institutions of society and act as relatively fixed parameters within which marketing firms are forced to operate. Secondary cultural values, however, tend to be less strong and therefore more likely to undergo change. Generally, social change is preceded by changes over time in a society’s secondary cultural values, for example the change in social attitude towards credit. As recently as the 1960s, personal credit, or hire purchase as is sometimes known, was generally frowned upon and people having such arrangements tended not to discuss it in public. Today, offering instant credit has become an integral part of marketing, with many of us regularly using credit cards and store accounts. Indeed, for many people it is often the availability and terms of credit offered that are major factors in deciding to pu rchase a particular product. The Technological Environment One example of how technological change has affected marketing activities is in the development of electronic point of sale (EPOS) data capture at the retail level. The ‘laser checkout’ reads a bar code on the product being purchased and stores information that is used to analyze sales and re-order stock, as well as giving customers a printed readout of what they have purchased and the price charged. Manufacturers of fast-moving consumer goods, particularly packaged grocery products, have been forced to respond to these technological innovations by incorporating bar codes on their product labels or packaging. In this way, a change in the technological environment has affected the products and services that firms produce and the way in which firms carry out their business operations. So technology, has an great impact   business its potential for the business to updated with the technology all the tme Micro Environment Customers Organizations survive on the basis of meeting the needs, wants and providing benefits for their customers. Failure to do so will result in a failed business strategy. Employees The main element of micro environment is employees because it the force which move other resources of the organization, they have the controlling power of mobility. Suppliers su Figure 1Micro Environmental Factor/Stakeholder Analysis Supplier got the bargain power , that is why they are potential to the business. The have the power of controlling demands.   Good relationship with supplier may facilitate business development. Shareholders Share holders for the public limited company and private limited company`s are important, because by law they are the partial owner of the organization, as result the got the voting power to select the governing comity those who run the business on their behalf. Media Positive or adverse media attention on an organizations product or service can in some cases make or break an organization. Consumer programmers with a wider and more direct audience can also have a very powerful and positive impact, forcing organizations to change their tactics. Competitors Business rivals are need to be consider in business environment, because their strategic plan promotion and policy affects the organization. External Environment A business does not function in a vacuum. It has to act and react to what happens outside the factory and office walls. These factors that happen outside the business are known as external factors or influences. These will affect the main internal functions of the business and possibly the objectives of the business and its strategies. Main Factors The main factor that affects most business is the degree of competition – how fiercely other businesses compete with the products that another business makes. The other factors that can affect the business are: Social – ultimate’s buyer, households and communities behave and their beliefs. For instance, changes in attitude towards health, or a greater number of pensioners in a population. Legal –new legislation in society affects the business. E.g. changes in employment laws on working hours. Economic –economy affects a business in terms of taxation, government spending, general demand, interest rates, exchange rates and European and global economic factors. Political – changes in government policy might affect the business e.g. a decision to subsidies building new houses in an area could be good for a local brick works. Technological – rapid pace of change in production processes and product innovation affect a business. Ethical – what is regarded as morally right or wrong for a business to do? For instance should it trade with countries which have a poor record on human rights? Changing External Environment Markets are changing all the time. It does depend on the type of product the business produces, however a business needs to react or lose customers. Some of the main reasons why markets change rapidly: Customers develop new needs and wants. New competitors enter a market. New technologies mean that new products can be made. A world or countrywide event happen e.g. Gulf War or foot and mouth disease. Government introduces new legislation e.g. increases minimum wage. Business and Competition Though a business does not want competition from other businesses, inevitably most will face a degree of competition. The amount and type of competition depends on the market the business operates in: Many small rival businesses – e.g. a shopping mall or city centre arcade – close rivalry. A few large rival firms – e.g. washing powder or Coke and Pepsi. A rapidly changing market – e.g. where the technology is being developed very quickly the mobile phone market. A business could react to an increase in competition (e.g. a launch of rival product) in the following ways: Cut prices (but can reduce profits) Improve quality (but increases costs) Spend more on promotion (e.g. do more advertising, increase brand loyalty; but costs money) Cut costs, e.g. use cheaper materials, make some workers redundan Social Environment and Responsibility Social change is when the people in the community adjust their attitudes to way they live. Businesses will need to adjust their products to meet these changes, e.g. taking sugar out of children’s drinks, because parents feel their children are having too much sugar in their diets. The business also needs to be aware of their social responsibilities. These are the way they act towards the different parts of society that they come into contact with. Legislation covers a number of the areas of responsibility that a business has with its customers, employees and other businesses. It is also important to consider the effects a business can have on the local community. These are known as the social benefits and social costs. Conclusion The topic was about Business Environment. Topic gives a brief of Internal and external environment and some critical analysis of them. Different  Ã‚   issue stand base of topics. How business environment run? what r the process?   What   based on business environment? These were the assignment was about.    Bibliography Drucker, Peter. Managing the nonprofit organization, New York: Harper Collins, 1990. Frumkin, Peter. Philanthropic leverage. Society, Volume 37, p40, Transaction Publishers, September 2000. The business and marketing environment / Adrian Palmer and Bob Hartley London; New York: McGraw-Hill, c1996.   Xiii, 340 p.: ill. ; 25 cm. Bib ID- 2721834. Boone, L., Kurtz, D. 1992. Contemporary Marketing. Fort Worth, TX: Dryden Press. Developing Your Strategic SWOT Analysis. Austrainer. 1999. (5 Dec. 1999). Ferrell, O., Hartline, M., Lucas, G., Luck, D. 1998. Marketing Strategy. Orlando, FL: Dryden Press. SWOT Analysis- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. PMI- Plus, Minus, Interesting. 1999. (5 Dec. 1999). Swoting† Your Way to Success. BHC. 1999. (5 Dec. 1999).

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Understand Inappropriate Behavior, Suggestions for Teachers

Understand Inappropriate Behavior, Suggestions for Teachers Teachers confront bad or inappropriate behavior from students all the time. This may range from calling out answers to teasing to physical aggressiveness. And some students seem to thrive on getting a rise out of teachers with challenges to authority. Its important for teachers to understand the roots of these kinds of behaviors so as not to perpetuate or exacerbate them. Here are some fundamental ways to frame everyday inappropriate behaviors. The Importance of Interventions With so many students in classrooms these days, its tempting for a teacher to simply let poor behavioral choices go and spend as much time as possible teaching the lesson. But in the long term, this is not the wisest choice. While there are behaviors that, while poor, are age-appropriate (speaking out of turn, difficulties sharing materials, etc.), remember the message that accepting unacceptable behaviors sends to the student. Instead, use positive behavioral intervention strategies (PBIS) to  positively influence and curb the behavior in the classroom. Age-appropriate or no, inappropriate behaviors that disrupt the classroom will only get worse when we excuse them. Its important to take the time for interventions. Where Does Inappropriate Behavior Come From? It may be hard to understand where a students poor choices come from. Remember that behavior is communication, and students are trying to send a message with every action taken in the classroom. Four typical reasons for inappropriate behavior are: Seeking attention.  When a child cant get your attention, hell often act out to get it. Taking revenge. If for some reason a  child doesnt feel loved and seeks revenge for attention, she will feel important when she hurts others or hurts the feelings of others. Displaying power.  These children need to be the boss. They only feel important when they are the boss.  Power struggles  may be daily occurrences with these students.   Displaying feelings of inadequacy.  These children usually have low confidence and self-esteem levels and give up quickly, thinking they cant do anything. They often lack a sense of doing something successfully. Understand the origin of these behaviors and decoding their messages gives you an opportunity. Once youve determined the goal of the inappropriate behavior, you are much more equipped to turn it around. Confronting Inappropriate Behaviors The PBIS method of dealing with inappropriate behavior may not be as intuitive as the punitive model with which many of us were raised. But it makes its own logical sense when we consider, again, that behavior is communication. Can we really expect to show students that their behavioral choices are poor when we respond in the same manner? Of course not. Keep these key concepts in mind: Always show respect. When you give respect, youll get it- eventually!   Model the behavior you want to see at all times. Encourage the child, boost their self-esteem, convey that you care about them. Reward them with attention when acting appropriately. Never engage in power struggles. Dont get angry. Do not retaliate (even in passive-aggressive ways).Recognize that ALL inappropriate behaviors are communication: your student wants your attention. Help her get it the right way. Read more  about  specific interventions for a variety of behaviors.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Choose a fashion style or a physical element of a particular style and Essay

Choose a fashion style or a physical element of a particular style and consider how it signifies a social identity. Discuss the - Essay Example This discussion will define in detail the punk fashion style to bring out the unique aspects that define and alienate it from just any other group. Punk is a subculture, mostly of youth with the characters of opposing government, hating authority, with extreme unique hairstyles and dressing, they have the hatred of big business, greatly oppose prejudice, amongst other qualities. They advocate most of their ideas through their music, usually created by their punk rock bands. The emergence of this group dates back to the mid to late 1970’s mostly in the United Kingdom and United States, but today exists in most parts of the globe. Just like any other segregation or group, punk depicts strong distinct features that alienate it from any other group mostly in their styles of music, film, visual art, dance, and what this discussion is all about; fashion. Fashion is an umbrella term that covers style or practice preferences mostly in footwear, accessories, make up, clothing, body pie rcing, fashion, and to some extent furniture amongst others. According to English (2013), the 1970’s and 1980’s saw the emergence of extreme nihilistic fashion that depicted street style clothing, dressing associated with poverty, to express aggression and attract attention. It was during the era when Britain, and the global economy was skydiving, further widening the groove between the rich and the poor. The level of unemployment was very high and young people, especially the uneducated were the hardest hit. This period inspired, and continues to inspire modern punks’ way of dressing; they dress in worn, dirty, tattered clothes. It is also logical that owing to the small size malnourished people, they adopted the trend of wearing tight fitting jeans and clothes in general. Still on the note of dressing, punks consider their dressing as a medium of communication, and incorporate various tactics of doing so. As Kearns (2010), puts it, the punk subculture defines and applies its own intentional and very carefully thought of display codes. These codes have messages that they send out, which usually go against the grain of normal cultures, as they tend to be provocative, vulgar and offensive. In short, their fashion is a voice. The messages most common on the punk’s clothing revolve around Nazism, kinky sex, self-mutilation, political anarchy and other various themes that work to offend or provoke the â€Å"outsiders† who in this case are non-punks. Some popular examples include the â€Å"destroy shirt† that has the crucifix in an upside down posture with swastikas surrounding it, and the notorious shirt prints of two naked cowboys standing face to face. One of the major identities that punks use to identify themselves is through body modifications. Their body modifications mostly include body markings such as tattooing and writing on it or by piercing various parts of their bodies. Surprisingly enough, some even go to the extent of stretching their ears to achieve weird looks. In deeper punk, permanent and temporary body modifications such as branding, implants, and scarification make their identity and act as cues for artistic expression in addition to demonstrating scene involvement and embracing social difference. To differentiate themselves from the normal piercings, punks pierce unusual body parts such as cheeks or noses and implement crude accessories like safety pins and custom bullring design

Effects of the Smoking on Humans Health Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Effects of the Smoking on Humans Health - Article Example A major reason why people smoke is that they do not realize what harm smoking causes to the health. The inhaled smoke harms the biological system that oxygenates the bloodstream, but smokers may not know that. Carbon monoxide present in the cigarette smoke reduces the transported amount of oxygen through blood. This research project compared a group of smokers with a group of non-smokers to study the relationship between smoking and level of oxygenation in the blood. There were a total of 13 members in each group. A pulse oximeter was used to gauge the levels of blood oxygenation. On the basis of the previous research, this research project’s results should identify lower levels of blood oxygenation in the smokers as compared to the blood oxygenation levels of the non-smokers because of the reduced efficiency of the smokers’ bodies to carry oxygen through the bloodstream. Differences between the blood oxygenation levels of the selected groups were measures using means, t-tests, and standard deviations. In spite of the support of the previous research for drastic difference between the blood oxygenation levels of the two groups, this research project did not find any significant difference. The major anticipated reason for the deviation of the results of this research from the previous researches is that the groups selected for this research comprised young people whereas the effects of smoking possibly take time to reveal themselves. Retesting the same groups after some time is recommended.

Friday, October 18, 2019

EGBC report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

EGBC report - Essay Example Researches and extensive studies have shown a direct linkage between energy and population growth. Due to this reason, Egyptian government and other officials have decided to look for different ways which can reduce the GHG emission and power consumption. For the accomplishment of this goal, developing energy efficient building is the first step in identifying the alternative methods of efficient energy. There have been many proposals forwarded for improved performance but manpower and interest is absent here. Many people are experiencing this dilemma however some other people are looking for alternative systems in order to deal with this issue and increase awareness to other people about its importance. In subsequent paragraphs, there are some initiatives taken for the bridging the gap between code compliance and code design. In 2009, a major step was taken by Egyptian government in establishing Egyptian Green Building Council-EGBC. There are many international and national personalities who have become member of this council; they include NGO officers, government officials, ministers, labour leaders, contractors and prominent businessman. The objective of developing this council is to satisfy environmental conservations and energy efficiency by providing opportunities to investors to adopt BEECs and other existing codes. The purpose of focusing on new constructions is that by focusing on it, EGBC can utilize its leverage as an organization to persuade and educate builders, engineers, owners and contractors about the advantages of establishing green constructions on people, community and most significantly, to the nation. In this way, green construction can be a required objective for buildings, construction work and other projects as energy efficiency codes would be tools, material and road map to attai n that desired objective. The imperative motivation is to eradicate the clichà ©d perspectives related to the green

Sign Language in Spain Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Sign Language in Spain - Research Paper Example At any rate, while these individuals may still find communication to be a chore at times, it is still more or less manageable for them. On the other hand, those who have been deaf since early childhood or even birth have a much harder time getting by in society. Since they have never been able to hear, they will be unlikely to be capable of producing anything more than inarticulate groans, moans and other sounds. Thus, in order to alleviate their difficulty, there are those throughout the years who have come up with sign language. And of course, there have also been those throughout the years who have succeeded in their chosen field in spite of their disability, mainly thanks to sign language. One of the most well-known examples of this is Helen Keller, who managed to become a celebrated author in spite of being both deaf and blind (Bauman 7). Sign language has existed since deaf people have been around. Various studies have allowed important individuals to develop new systems of sign languages based on the local sign languages being used. The establishment of teaching institutions that focuses on educating the deaf and mute with Sign Language has allowed the development of a standardized sign language system. Although standardized, a sign language may still have variations in dialects based on the region and cultural differences. A sign language uses visual sign patterns to transmit meanings instead of acoustic patterns. It uses hand shapes as well as well as facial expressions and body movements that convey specific meanings. Sign Language is known to have started where deaf people exist. It is comprised of gestures, finger spelling, and signs that could represent words or complete thoughts.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Cold Fusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Cold Fusion - Essay Example The assumption was that the environment of transitional metal deuterides makes fusions of two deuterons realistic, increasing their probabilities by a certain magnitude. The research drew a lot of criticism about its reality making several energy researchers and engineers around the world dive into the issue. The future of energy resources had been a bother among the industrial nations on how to tap energy for industries and households. If Fleischmann and Pons hypothesis was true, it could solve the energy issues. Cold fusion is hence a proposed type of nuclear reaction that is believed to occur at relatively low temperatures unlike hot fusion. However, its destiny is unclear (Kozima 11-16). Nuclear fusion occurs at super high temperatures, super high environment and requires big sets of apparatus which are extremely expensive. As a new type of nuclear reaction, cold fusion was proposed to explain reports by experiments of unusually high generation of energy under specific laboratory conditions. Researchers have continued to conduct investigations of cold fusion and have found out that the interaction of hydrogen or deuterium with Palladium, Nickel or Platinum produces excess heat effects under extreme conditions. The original reports failed to replicate consistently and reliably causing the rejection by mainstream media. Fleishmann and Pons discovery eventually became invalid as it had not actually detected the by products of nuclear reactions (Fleishmann, and Pons 301-308). Trombay initiated experiments in 1989 to verify the claims of cold fusion. Large busts of neutrons were detected with a Pd-Ni electrolyte cell. Significant amount of neutrons and tritium were found to be produced in gas loaded Ti and Pd samples. D2 loaded Ti disc targets have also revealed some hot spots indicating an uneven distribution of tritium production in the near surface region. Trombay experiments have confirmed the occurrence of cold fusion reaction in both Pd and Ti metallic lat tices loaded with deuterium at certain temperatures. Neutron emission has also been observed even when the electrolytic cell is switched off or when there are no externally induced processes like heating, cooling and evacuation are effected (Kozima 11-16). Findings The main product of cold fusion reactions is Tritium. However, its presence inside the palladium electrodes has not been quantitatively evaluated. Cold fusion can be characterised as being ‘aneutronic’ with a neutron to tritium channel branching ratio of less than 10-8. Neutrons from electronically loaded Pd and gas loaded Ti are emitted one at a time. It is hence unclear whether the neutrons are generated in the D-D fusion itself or produced in a secondary reaction involving energetic protons or tritons. Autoradiography of loaded gas loaded Ti targets demonstrates both the occurrence of cold fusion and tritium production. The estimated tritium to deuterium isotopic ratios is several orders of magnitude highe r in the initial stock D2O. There is a high concentration of tritium on localised regions or hot spots on the target surface as well as along the periphery of the disc. The high probability of tritium branch in cold D-D fusion reactions indicate processes of neutron transfer across the potential barrier (Report on the workshop on cold fusion, June 3). Some departments of energy like the U.S Department have reported on the inadequate conviction of experiments done by earlier scholars. Based on the review of published reports, reprints, journals and many communications, the results of the experiments of excess heat with the calorimetric cells do not present convincing evidence that useful source of energy would result from the results attributed from cold fusion. Similar

Understanding carbohydrates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Understanding carbohydrates - Essay Example Carbohydrates are a major source of energy needed for accomplishing everyday physical activities and bodily functions. According to the Canadian Sugar Institute (1997), carbohydrates make up for 40 to 80 percent of the total food energy intake among humans worldwide. As the name implies, carbohydrates are carbon hydrates, that is, they are formed from the union of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They are commonly taken from cereals, root crops, sugar crops, pulses, vegetables, fruit and milk products (Canadian Sugar Institute, 1997).Some sources of carbohydrates have undergone processing and therefore have different effects on the body as compared to those carbohydrates that did not go through refinements or processes. Because of this, it becomes essential to properly select the carbohydrate-rich foods that would be included in the everyday diet.Carbohydrates, also referred to as saccharides, are basically divided into simple and complex types. The simple carbohydrates are monosaccharid es, or the simple sugars such as glucose, which are composed of single chain molecules of sugar. Complex carbohydrates are made up of di- or polysaccharides, which means that several monosaccharides make up the molecular structure. Simple and complex carbohydrates can be distinguished by taste. Simple carbohydrates are sweet, while the complex types, such as potatoes, are not (Kennedy, 2006).There are other ways of classifying carbohydrates. For example, the Canadian Sugar Institute (1997) classified them into three: sugars, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. Carbohydrates supply energy to the body once it is turned into glucose. When food rich in carbohydrates are ingested, they are broken down into a simple form of sugar, glucose, which is then absorbed by the red blood cells for energy (Kennedy, 1997). It is also the preferred source of energy by the brain, the nervous system, placenta and fetus (United States Department of Agriculture [USDA], 2005, p. 1). When carbohydrates are converted into simple sugar, not all of the sugar is used for energy, and some are stored as glycogen. For athletes or individuals wishing to complete high intensity workout lasting for 90 minutes or more, carbo-loading is essential in order to store more glycogen and thereby enhance stamina and performance (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2004). This, however, is not recommended for people who are only engaging in normal everyday activities. Carbohydrates are also essential vehicles for micronutrients and phytochemicals, and they are also important in maintaining glycemic homeostatis and for gastro-intestinal function (Canadian Sugar Institute, 1997). They are most beneficial if they are taken from nutrient-rich sources such as fruits and vegetables. Scientists and medical professionals usually differentiate one carbohydrate from another using the glycemic index. This index is based on the comparative increases in the level of blood glucose (sugar) as the carbohydrate-rich food is ingested (Iowa State University Extension, 2003). Foods with a low glycemic index are digested slowly resulting in a gradual increase in blood sugar. These foods would include high-fiber fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, and legumes. Foods with high glycemic index are easily digested causing a rapid increase in blood sugar. These usually include processed food such as white bread, refined cereal products and candy bars because processing removes the fiber content, which slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into blood sugar. The glycemic index is often used to help balance blood sugar levels in people suffering from diabetes. However, some dieticians are not satisfied with the use of this index, as it does not address other factors relating to excess intake of sweeteners such as fructose, which registers with a low glycemic index (Wylie-Rosett, Segal-Isaacson & Segal-Isaacson, 2004, p.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Cold Fusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Cold Fusion - Essay Example The assumption was that the environment of transitional metal deuterides makes fusions of two deuterons realistic, increasing their probabilities by a certain magnitude. The research drew a lot of criticism about its reality making several energy researchers and engineers around the world dive into the issue. The future of energy resources had been a bother among the industrial nations on how to tap energy for industries and households. If Fleischmann and Pons hypothesis was true, it could solve the energy issues. Cold fusion is hence a proposed type of nuclear reaction that is believed to occur at relatively low temperatures unlike hot fusion. However, its destiny is unclear (Kozima 11-16). Nuclear fusion occurs at super high temperatures, super high environment and requires big sets of apparatus which are extremely expensive. As a new type of nuclear reaction, cold fusion was proposed to explain reports by experiments of unusually high generation of energy under specific laboratory conditions. Researchers have continued to conduct investigations of cold fusion and have found out that the interaction of hydrogen or deuterium with Palladium, Nickel or Platinum produces excess heat effects under extreme conditions. The original reports failed to replicate consistently and reliably causing the rejection by mainstream media. Fleishmann and Pons discovery eventually became invalid as it had not actually detected the by products of nuclear reactions (Fleishmann, and Pons 301-308). Trombay initiated experiments in 1989 to verify the claims of cold fusion. Large busts of neutrons were detected with a Pd-Ni electrolyte cell. Significant amount of neutrons and tritium were found to be produced in gas loaded Ti and Pd samples. D2 loaded Ti disc targets have also revealed some hot spots indicating an uneven distribution of tritium production in the near surface region. Trombay experiments have confirmed the occurrence of cold fusion reaction in both Pd and Ti metallic lat tices loaded with deuterium at certain temperatures. Neutron emission has also been observed even when the electrolytic cell is switched off or when there are no externally induced processes like heating, cooling and evacuation are effected (Kozima 11-16). Findings The main product of cold fusion reactions is Tritium. However, its presence inside the palladium electrodes has not been quantitatively evaluated. Cold fusion can be characterised as being ‘aneutronic’ with a neutron to tritium channel branching ratio of less than 10-8. Neutrons from electronically loaded Pd and gas loaded Ti are emitted one at a time. It is hence unclear whether the neutrons are generated in the D-D fusion itself or produced in a secondary reaction involving energetic protons or tritons. Autoradiography of loaded gas loaded Ti targets demonstrates both the occurrence of cold fusion and tritium production. The estimated tritium to deuterium isotopic ratios is several orders of magnitude highe r in the initial stock D2O. There is a high concentration of tritium on localised regions or hot spots on the target surface as well as along the periphery of the disc. The high probability of tritium branch in cold D-D fusion reactions indicate processes of neutron transfer across the potential barrier (Report on the workshop on cold fusion, June 3). Some departments of energy like the U.S Department have reported on the inadequate conviction of experiments done by earlier scholars. Based on the review of published reports, reprints, journals and many communications, the results of the experiments of excess heat with the calorimetric cells do not present convincing evidence that useful source of energy would result from the results attributed from cold fusion. Similar

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Latin American Civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Latin American Civilization - Essay Example Indeed, the female workers were never allowed to get established. Since Peron was elected in a constitution manner, he wanted to make himself popular by giving some rights to the workers and other social groups in the country.1 During Peron’s presidency, he wanted to deal with the issue of giving hope to the lower class people by giving them a better understanding and pacifying them by offering them some rights that could calm their demand. Therefore, this was in line in making sure that there were no controversies between his government and the workers. Analysts argue that the authoritarian was the best action that the president could have taken as a means of taking care of the needs of the lower class, but the president had some better ideas than that.2 Before his election to the presidency, the laws and democratic rights that were well outlined in the constitution were not practiced in the ground. When he took the presidency, he ensured that he improved the peoples’ standards of living by ignoring the constitution and offering the workers some better schemes that benefited them. He is said to use coercion and repression to achieve his goals. It was affected in such a way that every social service that was given to the society by the government to the people had a string attached to it. Therefore, every service that was given to the society could give back some benefit to the government. For example, the Peron’s foundation FEP that the government established was purposely aimed at abolishing the social charities that had been established by individuals. In their place, social aid was given to the society through the FEP. The major purpose was to create a wider social base that could come to the support of the presiden t.3 Peron also wanted to support from both genders in the population. Before his release and election to the presidency, women were never allowed to participate in the

Monday, October 14, 2019

People Behaviour Essay Example for Free

People Behaviour Essay Methodology is concern with both the detail research methods through with data is collected, and the more general philosophies upon which the collection and analysis of data are based. In methodology there are two types of research methods in which researchers can depend on when researching. These are â€Å"Quantitative† and â€Å"Qualitative† research. Quantitative research deals with a term which August Comte came up with, â€Å"Positivism.† This quantitative research deals with more scientific research than based on theory, it focuses on scientific methods of study. Despite the considerable influence of the ‘scientific’ approaches to sociological methodology, an alternative series of interpretive or qualitative approaches has long existed within sociology. Qualitative research often collects subjective data such as information about people’s emotions, feelings and values and also isn’t structure like quantitative research. Between both the ‘Quantitative and Qualitative research’, quantitative uses questionnaire to gather data. A questionnaire is a number of preset questions that can contain open-ended, fixed choice or combination of both types of questions. In this essay it would be shown that questionnaires cannot be used to capture the truth about people’s behaviour, but to an extent. In questionnaire research the same questions are usually given to respondents in the same order so that the same information can be collected from every member of the sample. There are many methods on how to distribute questionnaires. The first method would be the postal questionnaire, as the name suggests it is mailed to the respondents with a stamped address envelope for return to the researcher. Postal questionnaires are rather inexpensive, time consuming and has little less than fifty percent (50%) of  the questionnaires posted back. This would seriously bias the researcher research, since there may be systematic differences between those who returned questionnaires than those who did not. For example, the main response to a postal questionnaire on marital relationships might come from those experiencing marital problems and wish to air their grievance. If non-respondents were happily married, the researcher would be unjustified in making generalizations about married life on the basis of the return questionnaires. Therefore the researcher would not be able to analyse the questions clearly and would not be able to analyse properly the married couples who are happy, sad, frustrated or even devoice, because of the lack of questionnaires missing from married couples. Apart from the first method, the second method has a far higher return rate than the postal. This is because it is to administer the questionnaire to a group such as a class of students or workers at a union meeting. This method is less expensive and maintains the advantage of the presence of an interviewer. However, the interviewer must ensure that the respondents do not discuss anything while doing the questionnaire, due to the researcher would like the respondent own view and not from the help of others. This would therefore give the researcher an image towards how the respondent expresses themselves towards the questions within the questionnaire. The first two (2) methods that were stated above both used questionnaires mainly the first through postal and the second has an interviewer present at the time the questionnaires were given out. This method in the other hand is done through the telephone. This is mostly used in conducting of market research for companies, but it is not usually regarded satisfactory by sociologist. According to (Aldridge and Levine, 2001), it is hard to establish rapport in such interviews, disadvantage groups tend to be under-represented in samples, it is difficult to ask sensitive questions, respondents cannot be expected to remember a wide range of possible answers to fixed-choice questions, and visual aids cannot be used. This may make the respondent very uncomfortable and due to that they would not be willing to cooperate and answer the telephone questionnaire.  Therefore this may make it very hard on the researcher due to he or she would not be able to gain a proper response from the responden t. The fourth possibility is to administer questionnaires by e-mail. According to (Geoff Payne and Judy Payne, 2004), this may be a useful way of conducting dispersed groups of people, or those who might not wish to be questioned face-to-face. For example, it has been used in a study of people who committed self-harm. Although this method has its advantages, it also has its disadvantages. A problem of this is that genuine anonymity is difficult to assure since it is possible to track the source of an emailed response. Another big problem may be that the sample is restricted to those with access to computers and may therefore be unrepresentative, although the significance of this will diminish as the number of people without email and internet fails. This therefore would be a problem to the researcher because he or she may not be able to interpret the behaviour of the respondent towards the questionnaire and also the respondent may not take on the research seriously. These things hinder the researcher from collecting data towards his or her research. There are many reasons towards why questionnaires are inappropriate to capture the behaviour of people. But there are one or two reasons that could help the research in that, but only up to an extent. The second method that was stated can be of use in this by the interviewer watching every one’s reaction towards the questionnaire. This can determine the respondent answer by the feedback he or she gave during reading the questions. In conclusion, questionnaires can be used to capture people’s behaviour but to an extent. Yet it have been shown in this essay that you cannot simply capture someone behaviour with the use of questionnaires. It is due because the respondent can lie during the questionnaire or even the researcher would not get back a proper feedback to determine the respondent answer. In the end it has been shown that questionnaires cannot capture peoples’ behaviour.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Ethnic Variation among Cancer Patients Essay -- Medical Research

Ethnicity is a term used to distinguish individuals and classify them into groups based on cultural and occasionally physical characteristics. Ethnic groups vary in the degree to which they exhibit common ethnic factors from those who share no or little cultural traditions to those who share a wider range of factors such as cultural traditions, place of origin, ancestry, language, and religion. To clarify the misunderstanding between ethnic groups and ethnic minorities, ethnic groups vary in their size from those of a small number which called minorities to those of a large number which called majorities(Stillwell & Ham, 2009). There is a substantial evidence that suggests the presence of disparities among different ethnic groups and different socio-economic levels(Hill et al., 2010a, 2010b; Jeffreys et al., 2005; King, 2000, 2001; Tobias & Cheung, 2003) . Maori, for instance, have a lower life expectancy rate than that of non-Maori, to be exact Maori have life expectancy low er by 9 years than non-Maori (Hefford et al., 2005; Tobias et al., 2009 ). Moreover, they show higher susceptibility rates to disease, particularly heart and respiratory diseases and diabetes, compared to non-Maori(Hefford et al., 2005; King, 2000, 2001; Tobias et al., 2009). Similarly, people of low socio-economic level - poor education, housing, and low income- have poor health status (King, 2000, 2001; Tobias & Cheung, 2003). In fact, although ethnic groups are closely related to socio-economic status, ethnic disparities exists in all different groups with different socio-economic level(Tobias & Cheung, 2003). In order to explore ethnic disparities in depth, studies that prove cancer inequalities among different ethnic groups will be provided. ... ...alth Metrics, 1(1). doi: 12773214 Stillwell, J. & Ham, M. (Ed.). (2009). Ethnicity and Integration: Understanding Population Trends and Processes- Volume 3. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London & New York. Springer. Doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-9103-1 Tobias, M., Blakely, T., Matheson, D., Rasanathan, K. & Atkinson, J. (2009). Changing trends in indigenous inequalities in mortality: Lessons from New Zealand. International Journal of Epidemiology. 38, 1711-1722. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyp156 Hefford, M., Crampton, P. & Foley, J. (2005). Reducing health disparities through primary care reform: the New Zealand experiment. Health Policy. 72(1), 9-23. doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2004.06.005 Blakely, T., Tobias, M., Robson, B., Ajwani, S., Bonne, M. & Woodward, A. (2005). Widening ethnic mortality disparities in New Zealand 1981-99. 61(10), 2233-2251. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2005.02.011

Saturday, October 12, 2019

After coming to America Essay -- Essays Papers

After coming to America All people seem to want the same basic things out of life regardless of race or religion. Universally, people want a good job, a healthy family, and a chance for their children to have a better life than the one they have. Families that already possess these things, whether through their own hard work or merely by way of inheritance, rely on the existing power structures within society to ensure that their future happiness continues . But what do people who do not belong to existing power structures turn to in order to secure these things for their families and children? During the course of America's lifetime, million upon millions of people left their homes and families in other countries and traveled to America in the hope of securing a better life -- the American Dream. What they often found was an unwillingness on the part of those already established in America to share society's benefits with them. For many segments of our American society, people substituted a reliance on family, or friends, or even faith alone, to secure these benefits for themselves and their children that was denied them by those possessing economic and political power. Most blacks came to America involuntarily. Sold as slaves in Africa, they were brought to America as laborers. Being slaves, they were legally considered property and thus were excluded from the legal protections that other people living in America were entitled to. Slave marriages were not legally recognized, and parents and children could be separated at the whim of their owners. As Frederick Douglass and countless other narratives by former slaves have shown us, slaves were forced to rely on a network of extended family members and other slaves to ... ...f ethnic communities that make up our cities is a testament to that reliance on friends that supported these groups of immigrants. While relying on friends and community would ensure that their family was both fed and that they had a place to sleep, faith is what kept hope alive in them from day to day. Faith that, one day, society would allow their children to fully participate in this country. And sometimes, as Thomas Aquinas told us, faith is all we have to have. Works Cited Boroff, David. "A Little Milk, a Little Honey: Jewish Immigrants in America." 1966. Oates. 87-97. Burns, James MacGregor. "Reconstruction: The Revolution that Failed." 1981. Oates. 20-29. Foner, Eric. "From Slavery to Freedom: The Birth of the Modern Black Community. 1990. Oates. 4-16. Oates, Stephen B., Ed. Portrait of America. Sixth Ed. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1995.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Iroquois Clan – Essay

Iroquois Clan ANT 101 December 5, 2011 There are many different cultures, each having their own values, and rules. The Iroquois are an association of several tribes, of indigenous people of North America. The Iroquois have many different ways about their way of living such as rules involving marriage. What contributes to the way an Iroquois react and think? Is it kinship, religion, and beliefs, or is it something else? The Iroquois have a very well-known culture. Iroquois are indigenous tribes across North America. The Iroquois lived in longhouse, which are structures made to house the whole family in different sections (Nowak & Laird, 2010). Matrilocal, or post marital residency, was when the husband moved to live with the wife’s community (Nowak & Laird, 2010). In the Iroquois the eldest woman in her matrilineage had the most influence in decision making, and distributing the resources and property (Nowak & Laird, 2010). Iroquois selection of marital partners are chosen by kinship because, Iroquois marriage must be exogamous, meaning marring outside their lineage and clan (Nowak & Laird, 2010). Iroquois kinship program only recognizes two groups: The first is parents and siblings, which are too closely related to marry. The second group is potential spouses and in-laws (Nowak & Laird, 2010). In the Iroquois it is considered wrong to marry parallel cousins because they are too closely related. On the other hand cross cousin marriage is accepted and encouraged (Nowak & Laird, 2010). The Handsome lake religion combined traditional Haudenosaunee religious beliefs with a revised code meant to bring consciousness to the Haudenosaunee, or Iroquois, after a long period of cultural disintegration ollowing colonization. The Iroquois people believed that spirits changed the seasons. Key festivals coincided with the major events of the agricultural calendar, including a harvest festival of thanksgiving. After the arrival of the Europeans, many Iroquois became Christians. The Code of handsome lake outlawed drunkenness, witchcraft, sexual promiscuity, wife beating, quarreling, abortion, gay marriage, single parents and gambling. The Iroquois men were propositional on a balanced reciprocity. Iroquois could only trade with other tribes in the Iroquois confederacy. Items traded included surplus corn and tobacco, fur pelts, and wampum. Later, Iroquois received implements including guns and metal axes from the British, which made their work easier (Nowak & Laird, 2010). Their culture is matriarchal- they trace lines through Clan Mothers. This is in direct contrast to European society, especially at time of contact. Europeans were paternalistic- the fathers line. This would cause different reactions from other kinships. The Iroquois people have a lot of the same values, beliefs, and rules, as many Americans living in the current century. In my culture, it is not acceptable to marry close relatives including first cousins. The handsome lake religion is very much similar to the Christian religion. Kinship impacts almost each and every one of these behaviors. Iroquois have a very understandable and compatible way of living. But what makes them think and act the way that they do? I would have to say that the religion is a main point in the actions and reactions of the Iroquois. The other major point would be the matriarchal tracing of the clans. Nowak, B. & Laird, P. (2010) Cultural Anthropology. San Diego, CA Bridgepoint Education Inc. Retrieved from: https://content. ashford. edu/books/AUANT101. 10. 2/sections/copyright Your paper is well developed and follows the APA guidelines correctly. Your paper is well written with an effective analysis. You have addressed the topic and assignment. Your grammar is correct with well-constructed sentences. Your conclusion could be improved. Good job! You received 9/10 points for this assignment.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Inventions That Affected the World Essay

Our world has experienced many changes within the last century. New inventions are made every month, and one of the most influential changes is the invention of the cellphone. The cellphone has completely changed the way we communicate, as well as the speed, convenience, and quality of our communication. Technology has made such an impact on society that most people won’t leave home without their cellphones. Also computers became human’s best friend. This is why one of the most life changing pieces of technology for many people has been the smartphone, an all-in-one, portable device that combines the functions of a cell phone with the functions of a computer. But how was life before this technology even existed? Back in the past, communicating with people was hard, especially with long distance. Letters were the only option to let someone know about something. But after the phone was invented, contacting people got much easier than before, even though, not everyone owned a phone. Computers were the other device that was invented, it was and still used in almost every concern. Then Internet invention had to step in and make life much easier. With Internet, people made electronic mails, which was another way to communicate with others. But to own all these things was very pricey back then, and to have them with you anywhere you go was not possible. So to do a specific thing, you had to use a specific device. To reach someone immediately, you had to use the phone that was wired-up and the recipient had to be close to his wired-up phone as well. To go to a specific location, you had to ask people that are familiar with the area you are going to. To send an email, you had to do it through the Internet from a computer. To remind yourself of a meeting something, you had to keep sticking little notes on your fridge door. To take a picture, you obviously needed a camera, and to send it to somebody, you had to use the mail and that would take couple days for the receiver to see it. To calculate an amount, you needed a calculator or you had to be good at math. To check next day’s weather you had wait till after the news on TV. To listen to your favorite music you had to buy a cassette or a CD and then go play it in your home stereo†¦ But after the smartphone was invented couple years ago, the race of human beings found everything to be easy. We can literally do anything with it, and with all the applications available we can even do more than we ever thought in just couple seconds. From calling someone to buying an airline ticket, it’s all available with a portable device that stays in your pocket. However, in my opinion the smartphone is the one of the best inventions ever made. I would highly recommend this gadget to anyone in this planet, because with it, we are never lost, never bored or wasting time, and always with an answer.

Phenomenology of Love Essay

Love is something that means very different things to different people. For some, love can be purely romantic, or even purely sexual. For others, real love is utterly unconditional and only truly exists between family members, or between people and a deity. And for some people, love is fluid, ever changing, and everywhere, and is felt for family, friends, partners, pets, and even inanimate objects, dead artists, and fictional characters. None of these people would be right or wrong, but one thing is certain: love is the most powerful force in the entire universe. Between partners of any description, be they married or, boyfriend and girlfriend, straight or gay, young or old, love is a relationship of mutual understanding and respect. Marriages and partnerships are often built on common ground that people find when they first meet; this can be as deep as sharing religious, philosophical or religious beliefs, or as simple as finding that you love the same film, book, or band. This kind of love is often reliant on some kind of ‘chemistry’: that strange feeling that they give you in the pit of your stomach, and the feeling that nothing in the world is more important to you than enjoying the moment you’re in together. Some people feel that they experience love at first sight, where they know from the minute they set eyes on each other that they want to be with that person, but something built on common interests and understanding must be stronger. It is the strength of this feeling that makes love the most powerful emotion that most of us will ever experience. People can do some dreadful things out of hate and fear, but love can push us to do much, much worse. And it is often love that can cause us to hate, whether it’s out of jealousy, or anger because our loved one has been hurt. Love, ultimately, is a sacrifice, whatever the relationship, and it must be the most powerful force in the universe because as human beings, we make tru e sacrifices for nothing less. Love is a very special and meaningful word to each human being. Read more:  Example of Persuasive Essay About Love Each human being has his/her own thoughts about love to guide himself/herself to land safely and smoothly into the kingdom of Love. Without this preconceived idea of love, people would be acting like a blind person searching for the light with thousand of obstacles in front. I know this question exists in each human being’s mind including myself. If not it is still waiting to be discovered deeply in your heart. What do I think of love? For me, I believe love is a priceless diamond, because a diamond has thousands of reflections, and each  reflection represents a meaning of love. With love I can accept a person’s imperfections without any condition, and able to transfer the way I love myself to another person who I am fancy at. With love I can have the power against loneliness, sadness, and illness, and to be able to change them into my happiness. As well as, having a key to open my heart to look at this world without a mask, to show people who I really am. But on the other hand, my love cannot be a substitute for anything, which means nothing can be substituted for my love. It also means those reflections of the diamond cannot be replaced by any kind of light or reflection, because the untrue reflection will not be a real diamond, and will not be able to spread out its resplendent and meaningful reflection of love to people about whom I care. Most of us act as though we know what it is without truly understanding its meaning and essence. This has been true of me. Before I encountered this phenomenology of love, I already had experiences of loving other people – my family, my friends, and girlfriends past and present. However, I was belonged to the people whom Erich Fromm described as believing in the popular notion of love. I emphasized the characteristics of the people I loved, why I needed them, and I mostly demanded that they love me more than I demanded myself to love them. My concept love was shallow. Yes, I felt it, but I knew it not. However, all that changed when I came across the phenomenology of love. It was an articulation of fundamental characteristics of love which I knew my heart was saying but my mind was incapable of putting into words. When I was reading the said phenomenology, I constantly had that weird feeling of realizing something and relating to it strongly with past experiences. I strongly agree with it. Indeed, love begins with the experience of loneliness and then grows as someone reaches out lovingly to the other. I also experienced that, but did not know its meaning in relation to the love I had. Indeed, in loving others, I always sought their love too, in the same or in even greater measure than that which I gave them. But I realized with the phenomenology that it is alright to feel that way and wish for the same, but that it should not be the motivation in my loving act. But what struck me the most was the statement that when we â€Å"love† someone without knowing our true worth, we are like making them trash bins to whom we throw ourselves. Because of t his and the entirety of the phenomenology of love, I learned what loving is truly all  about. Indeed, it’s a many-splendored thing.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Open Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Open - Essay Example Scholars who note down history are identified as historians. Amongst all scholars, Herodotus is regarded as the father of history. This is based on his contributions to this discipline. In the modern world, the study of history entails a variety of fields. Therefore, several institutions are teaching history. Numerous scholars have concentrated on the discipline of history and political science. One of the most common historical quotes is â€Å"If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday† by Pearl Buck (Quote garden 1). Buck was one of renowned scholars globally basing on her historical literature. The quote used by Buck asserts that for an individual to understand the present condition, he or she must explore the past. This quote simply means that an individual must refer to past occurrences in order to understand the present situation. For example, for one to understand the origin of man, one must refer to the historical information regarding the evolution of mankind. This information is explained by Charles Darwin who was one of the greatest scholars. This is a clear revelation that history is a discipline of critical importance to the society. Further analysis proves that Buck was committed to diverse issues that were overlooked in the past. History is regarded as a storehouse of information about societal behaviors (Stearns 1). There are several reasons as to why individuals study history. People live in the present, therefore; they fret about future occurrences. History grants individuals identity. According to historical data, one can be able to identify with his or her family, society and/or country. In most cases, the study of a family’s history is considered as the fundamental importance of history. For example, in the United States, individuals use history to identify with their ethnic groups. Furthermore, historical information about a country enables citizens to understand national values hence providing identity as its citizens (Stearns 1). In addition, history contributes to moral understanding (Stearns 1). When individuals engage in the study of history, they obtain information related to ethical contemplation. Several historians who possess prior knowledge of historical circumstances provide inspiration just like Pearl Buck with her quotations. Furthermore, history provides learners with certain skills that are essential in social change. Some of the skills that are acquired by history students enable them in managing social adjustments. History students have the ability to assess several phenomena including the capability to assess incompatible interpretations, assess verification, and assessing past instances of change (Stearns 1). The skills mentioned show that history provides information regarding the background of political institutions and society at large. The study of history and political science enhances the assessment of evidence from daily information. Also, learning history pr ovides the leaner with knowledge regarding how to sort out conflicts amongst different parties (Stearns 1). The experience in past events is also crucial in understanding change, in the society. In this case, the learner can analyze changes in the contemporary world. Historians claim that individuals do not have the ability to deal with the present situation as they are able to deal with the past. This is since they lack a clear standpoint regarding the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Internet Banking Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Internet Banking - Case Study Example The report also has certain recommendations before the concluding words. In the present era of globalisation and privatisation, the only word that is presumed to be constant is the word 'change' itself. With the effects of globalisation reaching all nook and corners of the world along with the remarkable development and innovation in the field of communication and technology, the tricks of the trade are changing very fast. The development of communication and technology has definitely make the world much smaller and brought it within the periphery of our living room. The satellite television and the electronic media have kept the world on its toes by their commendable coverage. But the most beneficial has been the evolution of internet. Internet and its allied services have really done wonders in almost every aspect of life. The commercial world has been one of the most beneficial sectors from the upsurge of internet. The internet covers almost all the aspects of life. The online aspects have really made the financial world much better place to be it. Mo st importantly it has brought in the transparency and promptness that was long due. Among the various financial sub-sectors, it is the commercial banks that are the most important. And the introduction of internet in the daily operation of such financial banks have made the transaction all the most beneficial for all the concerned parties be it the valued customers, be it the commercial bank, be it the government or the monetary authority be it the media. Online Banking In simple words, online banking is referred as the internet banking where the customer can operate and transact from any computer or terminal through internet and need not be present at the bank branch. The online banking is basically operated from a secured website (https) and the customer of the bank is provided with a specified 'login' and secret 'password', through which he can initiate almost all the operations that is done at the bank branch like that of account statement, fund transfers and bill payments, etc. With in the purview of the online banking also fall the debit and the credit cards. Debit card deals with withdrawing money from one's account from any counter of the banks' or other banks; anywhere in the world (the card has to be supported by the withdrawing bank). The credit card assists the holder to have a certain specified sum of money from the bank even if he does not have the money in his account, in lieu of a loan, again any where in the world (where the card is supported). The debit and the credit cards are also used to pay bills at the major brands like that for travelling, shopping and dinning. The cards, an important aspect of online banking have made life easier for billions as one does not have to carry cash while travelling any more. With the advent of mobile technology and increasing use of internet through the GPRS and WAP enabled mobile handsets, the facilities of banking is with in one's

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Hitler's statements Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hitler's statements - Assignment Example This is actually a distinctive quality of a democracy and a perquisite of liberty. Similar in some respect to the previous statement, this quote speaks of the respect for others freedom of belief as said by Hitler. This brings about a re-assessment of his own stance on personal beliefs and how it relates to other people. I definitely agree because it is almost impossible to impose one’s philosophy on another person who a totally different upbringing on your own. It is very much like convincing an environmentalist to buy a Hummer, somehow it just wouldn’t be conceivable. I do not agree with this statement for logical reasons. National Socialism would mean that the people must be educated about it and that they must accept it. It would be difficult or almost impossible to make people live in a system that they do not understand, much less believe in. it requires a consolidated effort not only from the government but in consonance with the people. This is an argument that Socialism is akin to Atheism. Of course, this is an impossible task as there are many who adhere to their religion very much like second nature. Even if this were true, it is very unlikely to be accomplished though informing and imposing are two very different things. This is another conflicting statement to a certain degree because it suggests that people are allowed freedom to develop their abilities. In a Socialist system, the equality of the people would be determinant of their status in society. On its face, the statement is very much true because only by development does man evolve. This is the most impressionable of all the quotations for me. This reverberates of the need for reality to be revealed even though there are times that it might cause internal conflicts of personal and social belief. This is something I have tremendously learned recently. It presupposes that all of the main points of his